I stongly believe our entire drug war was wrong, but requiring places of medication to be "not near a school" sends the wrong message to our children. (such as the cute cartoon pot leaf with hand cuffs on, that is a bill board in Jackson County. (the new bill would also limit provisioning...
If this new law passes, this is how it looks to me...
In Michigan, an ill person (ie Patient) can only legally access 2.5 ounces from one location within 10 days time regardless of condition or mistakes that could have compromised the substance. (ie, if you drop it in a puddle your screwed for...
The law is vague regarding "case" that meds must travel in, although it is clearly without wording about locks thus "case" is a loose definition that could include most anything (not legal advice!). It does say in trunk, but also mentions vehicles without and that in those situations, the "case"...
Kaya was raided. "Sale from Kaya to a patient unconnected through the states registry" was alleged and warrents were signed. Employees were detained and questioned and comments were made that "not one dispensary will be left standing", though through what process that may happen is unclear, the...
Akgreenvally. Sorry I am late.
240. D-cell banks powered by hybrid solar,hydro, and wind tubines, and old cannery cummins diesel generator. Worked on recovering tidal energy with UAF and may try putting together my own system someday who knows.
As we all know, things dont slowly work backwards in our industry. Its just two forward and one back most of the time, and a progressive roll forward while getting spanked the whole way for doing it. So, patients took a slap to the face, whats next? I had someone show up at my place from "NORML"...
Not much on the shelf yet, but the guys have the right idea IMO. Quality of Life in Jackson on W. Michigan Ave.(A "Service" rather than a compassion center though). They are trying all Organics and Vegan Organics. Hard to find the place considering they have no sign up but they have a couple...
Simply awesome! Thanks a bunch man. Its such a great community here! Both of you guys, thanks! I am open for keepin on here if you guys want to do more project. By all means, I have all kinds of ideas that I would love to see made real so if anyone needs practice, I got ya covered! :D...
Gioua, I like the middle image you posted. I may use that one too. What else you guys got? Skillz workshop! :D
Man thanks guys, I appreciate your time and work.
:clap:Great work fellas!
Spot on swishsweet! Bottem right image. Love it. Can you post it in the opposite colors too?
Anyone else think that looks nice?
Howdy Folks,
Wanted to ask the group what the thoughts are, or what the consensus is on using N-pantane as a solvent for isolating terpines. I hear GW uses pantane. I know there are a few of you out there that can give me some good info here on this subject. I am not sure if Peanut Butter is...