Yup... a one time event shouldn't mess them up. It's repetitive changes that screw em up. go with the original schedule, or set it back to that original schedule if you have to since it was only one day. and yup.... hide the timer, get rid of the cat and beat the girlfriend.... Just kidding....
You can top at a foot tall. Just look for the Y in the plant you will see three growths, one in the middle and two outside it. Clips the middle one and the other two (and the lower branches) will catch up to the top. Also after about the eighth node you will get a perfect Y withe the top growing...
The reason I said supposedly it gets worse under HPS's is because of what I read in this link:
To the original poster:
This is a very...
It looks like root aphid damage. Root aphid damage looks similar to nute lock. Poke around 2 inches into your perlite. That's where they like it. Also fungus gnats come with the root aphids because they like to feed off the dead roots.