I do not use cannazyme since i read that most enzyme products have the same basic process of breakong down old roots i just use hygrozyme. I do not use it much but i feel i noticed the difference in yield with my organic plants since i scaled back on the molasses& hygrozyme this time to try age...
Vlad, I am looking at their chart right now and it says to use 15 ml per gallon! That is only for the part of the feeding schedule, but that is why I am kinda peeved is I feed with it twice, once in week 3 and once in week 4 with the doses already stated.
Do you see good results with it at that...
I always get cal lock out with it or some other micro nute lock out when I try to kick em with that booster. And it is always the week after I feed them that because I only feed it to them for a week. Start them on 3-5ml per gallon first feeding then the second and last feeding is 8-10 ml per...
Shit guys sorry it has been so long since my last update but been hella busy at work and just tried to do upload the pics I took of my grow and my phone is being wonky and will not connect to the comp, may be time to get a real camera....
Not visual, and kinda glad cus they are not happy, but...
Only slightily noobish in the snese that plants do not want the watts they want the lumens lol. :p
The edges of your footprint will naturally have a little less light but if you spin/rotate your plants a fair amount it shouldnt have much of an impact plus it sounds like you will have a decent...
Urb they have a expansion pack if you want to get some more weight on her! Funny how the upgrade ig offers has actual function and the extendo wings igrow offers just serve to get in the way by making your reflector 2 ft wider lol.
Unfortunately i think all of the information you spent a lot of...
Yeah I thought the prices for the new gear like Dr.Who was a little steep but all the new crosses look dank as hell. Not sure if that qualifies for a price hike but would still buy. Prof. Chaos and 9 lbs. hammer though I will wait till I go to a cup to grab, surely they can not bone me in person...
Its all good you should just know that notball color temps are made equal, just because it is 2700k does not mean it will be great for plant growth, need a spectral distribution graph to be able to see how well they really match up spectrum wise.
Reason i went with inda is their friggin...
Ya your statement is automatically an odd one since you lump igrow and inda gro together bulb wise when one company offers a full spectrum bulb and the other has a 2 bulb system.
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Yup that be the one. I used to go every year with my grandfather before he passed a while back. Went with my brother last year but it sucked cus it rained and he was half in the bag so it was like baby sitting lol. Small world huh, those mushrooms they sell are prob my favorite thing about that...
Totally off topic but gator are you talking about the renaissance faire in kenosha, wi? I know they are all over but that is the only one i know of that goes by bristol. Just curious
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Skunk you said you wouldn't put that video from the club on the internet Shame on you lol, dude has more cleavage than Ms. Moore does and that is saying something...
Advanced? Having a relationship with a doll is advanced? I c why you think so highly of yourself now lol jp man.
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You guys are just meanies. The guy tells ya he has a hard time with words more than one syllable and you throw douche into the mix... i think your just making up words now.
On a real not the quote thing explains why when he used naive (how its spelled) made absolutely no sense in the...
Pro tip: if someone is really buggin ya you can click on their avatar and hit ignore, it feels pretty powerful. Like you banished them and they no longer exist. Plus if you want a good laugh at what they say you can click show gnored content.
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I think he means if your ph is say 6.6 leave it and do not try to get it to 6.3 or you will just give yourself headaches. I could be wrong though. My ph pen is out of comission atm and have not used it in a few months, only problem i have had is i have been going a little hardbon the nutes...
The japanese are intersting when it comes to porn. We are gonna blur out her vag or any pen but get her to have a slight cry in her orgasm or make it a lil rapey and they have a winner lol. Through in some tentacles and it could be a bestseller!
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