You're welcome Green Please. Every area is different though. Check with a farm in your area too. They would definitely know which cover crops grow best in your area. Whatever you plant don't let it go to seed. Then it'll regenerate. I think before a cover crop is planted you want to work the...
Yes there is nothing like the other grass to build up the soil. I wouldn't just plant something like hairy vetch though, get a mixture with winter rye. You'll have to till it under in the spring though. It's actually nice to see winter rye in the winter growing beneath the snow as if in a...
And those two temperatures can easily be had when frost warnings are given. Remember this too most weather stations are located at airports, military bases, and other urban centers. Temps in the city are generally warmer than the country. If you are in the sticks and it calls for frost, expect...
What's wrong with covering them? Afraid of condensation? Better safe than sorry. If you're in the neighborhood of a killing frost you should be making preparations right now. Would hurt to build a little greenhouse around her with grow row cover just for night time. They can take a light frost...
Don't rest on your laurels though. Your plants survived because they had slowly become accustomed to cold weather. All it takes is a few more degrees and they will turn black. I'm not sure what temperature that is but believe it's around 22-24 degrees.
There are some things you could do the next time this happens but you'd certainly have to be prepared in advance. Let's start with the more sophisticated approaches. Solexx greenhouse covering has an excellent rf rating that exceeds anything I've heard about. It's very expensive though. Don't...
As far as lack of funds go there are solutions. One is to compost and make your own organic matter. Collect leaves. Avoid grass clippings from lawns that use herbicides otherwise known as weed killers. No wastes from dogs or cats either. If you look around you might be able to collect quite a...
Try not to upset the subsoil. Start with the top soil and get going with the mattock and garden fork and remove all the rocks in that top 6-8 inches or 4 inches if that's all you can go. Since the top soil sounds eroded to me you might want to get a truckload of loam. Then you are going to want...
The main reason I bring it up is people who don't garden at all or who have limited experience might pick up a bag of potting soil and think it's good to grow this like MJ or whatever. Turns into bricks. The industry should really stop confusing consumers. Bottom line is if you're growing in a...
Actually peat moss and compost are soil-less. Soil refers to various percentages of sand, silt, and clay. Ideally you would want an even mixture in garden soil. Peat moss, compost are added because they can loosen soil up, and allow for water retention. One thing you don't want to do is amend...
How about the roundup the farmer might be using? That stuff is cancerous. If monsanto wasn't greasing the wallets and probably the butts of politicians that stuff would have been outlawed. It's a herbicide. It's designed to kill weeds. There's also the type of fertilizers most farmers use. Most...
The only major presidential candidate who would be willing to do so. Under obama they still went after medical marijuana patients. That's because obama has no integrity and never means what he says. Ron Paul has been saying this for 30+ years.
The best time to take photographs of anything outside is during the twilight hours. The light is even. The problem with the phone camera besides the fact it's a phone camera is stability. If you could stabilize the phone or rest it on a solid surface there will be less blur. Also I guess it's...
not to hii'jack a thread but I suddenly have a flashback to an old Little rascals episode where one of the gang got in trouble for stealing molasses. It's very sweet and a child during the depression would have definitely been inclined to swipe some to better enable his Brooklyn Kush to max out ;)
I see the storm moving faster than they predicted a few days ago(doom & gloom report to sell tickets to front row advertising). That is one hell of a tall spruce so to speak. No promises in weather but hopefully things pas through you without harm so you can have a nice xmas tree ;)
The only problem and it's a big one is the winds really howls leaf matter shreds. The stem or stalk is the strongest part of the plant. Hopefully winds die down so you don't have to face the horror.
NW & NE should not be compared to one another in terms of frost. Look up your frost date to get a basic idea but remember you have them in pots. If it gets too cold bring them in. What do you do when it gets too chilly? go inside. If that's an issue place them in a shed or something. You can...
From 1 plant? Those of course would be the King Kong variety where it is necessary to toss a blonde chick into a volcano and or just leave her out on a sacrificial alter with her hand bound spread eagle awaiting Kong to arrive snatch her up and do who knows what with her.