I tried to find it in the Hunters of Dank 2 when they go through their garden but did not hear it mentioned. Pretty sure it is their orange cream soda crossed with something, sorry I can not remember the dad....
Then why on earth would they be on their porches?? Quite the conundrum bundy has set up here..... Black people on porches=projects, white people on porches=general good time/fun to be had
So who is it you meant by "they"? Poor people? if so did not catch that but I do not think that was the implication.... since the person you are defending specifically singled out the "negroes". I technically live in gov't housing, was not that way when I moved in trust me.... they applied to be...
Why is it that place is always referred to as the butthole of Indiana? been to Indianapolis, it is no prize.... smells like shit cus of the water if you ask me.
And what do you think this ranchers definition of projects is? I live in what this guy would call projects more than likely. It is low income but is by no means the ghetto. Lotta diversity, we have black people do not get me wrong but they are not the majority. Mostly white and mexican. And it...
the triple bladed set is where I start counting nodes. the cotyledons and single bladed set do not really count. You are right about where I start feeding but you kinda have a myriad of things going on it sounds like. Just watch for when they start to fade and you should be fine to start...
Thought I heard mush talking about the sonic screwdriver when they were in the hunters of dank a while back, sounded like a dope cross to me. Excited to see how these new strains work out for ya.
I know what you mean, lotta assholes out there. The sarcasm at the beginning I am sure curbed the appeal of participating in this forum but there are members out there like nugbuckets and frenchy who are really polite weed nerds that you stand to learn a lot from, especially frenchy imo.
Dont get butthurt so quick, just some light troll razzing lol. There are some dbags but other than that its a nice community. Stick around, wouldn't mind seeing what you do with the strains you picked up.
And btw i two tried to get in on the promo but had card issues and by the time i ordered...
As they pointed out on the daily show this guy is not an american hero fighting for our rights. He is a broke welfare rancher who refuses to pay grazing fees and looks like a hero because "he represents working white america".
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Depends on what kinda soil you are in. Never used thaf nute line but if its organic then you should be fine with starting with a light dose. If they have their second or third set of leaves definitely start feeding or you will be fighting a deficiency soon.
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Yup just douse in water and put a fan to move air around for drying or you might end up with mildew or some shit growing that aint ganja
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Oh man, I got a smile when you said this was the starting to swell, guess I have not seen Blue Dream done to its full potential. And wow those pics look like twin buds but it def shows the difference in frost favoring the LED.
Tried, bout tugged my dick off trying to come. Was one of the first times I did shrooms, middle of summer was sweating balls even with the a/c blasting. Was trying to go to sleep but was not coming down so I thought tugging it would relax me and put me to sleep lol.