so i fired up the 10" vortex today and holy shit! that thing could suck the chrome off a bumper lmao by itself it is kinda loud but hooked up to the carbon filter and exhaust ducting its not too in a place where noise isnt much of an issue so it should be fine. I had to open up all the...
mounted the ballasts for the big tent and built a rack for the converter box. The box transforms 220v to 110v so i can use the 220v plug to run the lights.
i might try that at some point in the future, as for now ive pretty much abandoned hyroponics altogether. ive been cloning with rapid rooters and clonex, then vegging and flowering in organic soil with compost tea. i had 100% rooting on 16 clones with only one having any deficiency.
Put all 4 plants into the ladybug room, connected my pulse one and started flower today. had to put a screen over the end of the cooltube because the ladybugs were flying inside the light.
so i had some setbacks with a spidermite infestation that pushed back my 8x8 grow out almost 2 months from scheduled run time. While im getting the big grow sorted out ive decided to take my mothers and flower them out in my 2x4 tent. ive been trying to breed some ladybugs for a little...
the ladybug house is in full effect! ;) built this little insect hotel to house my planning on mounting it just above canopy level so they can access my plants better.
seems like thats how we all get em, bringing plants in from an outside source. The urge to add a new strain to the garden is so tempting you almost cant say
i went to the shop and picked up some mighty wash and some neem oil.
i trimmed up the moms and soaked the plants down with the mighty and ill start a neem oil regemin tomorrow.
i didnt see any mites but i want to keep it that way. So im in the clear for now.
yknow, these mites came into my garden the same dam way! lol came from a guy who gave me a couple hybrid clones (strawberry cough x gorrilla glue) his whole crop was infested at 8 weeks of flower and he didnt even know it until we found em.
yeah i think you guys are right im going to release tonight in my quarantine area and then in my flower tent in the a.m. when the lights go off. Wish me luck! lol
i havent started flowering my 3 big plants yet, im going to trim them way down and try to get rid of as many spotted leaves as possible and veg for a couple weeks while i combat these spiders.
so half my crop is being decimated by spider mites ive washed the plants with soapy water, sprayed with permithrin , and quarantined 12 plants out of 21. I bought some ladybugs but i read something about not releasing them for 5 days after spraying pesticides. What should i do? Can i wash the...