Third Dimension from TGA
Vortex from TGA
Pandoras Box (subcool) X White Rhino (GHS)
Chocolope AKA D-line from DNA
Pure Power Plant
As some of you may know, Subcool is not a fem seed guy.
As for the Pandoras Box X White Rhino, not sexed. (home breed) One of a few seedlings
Chocolope is Fem...
The methods, techniques, styles, what have you etc. are all different when it comes to scrogging. The point is to reach your goal what ever it may be. There really is no wrong way, only better ways maybe to reach what your striving for.
So as for height of the plants before screening, it...
WORRY NOT! All will eventually, in the mean time....
Get out and plant some beans! Cannabis will over grow other wild species in parts of South Carolina. Good place to toss bag seeds!
I picked wild growing cannabis from a patch of woods for years. Some of the best I have ever smoked from...
Spider Mites
by W.S. Cranshaw and D.C. Sclar 1 (11/06) Quick Facts...
Spider mites are common plant pests. Symptoms of injury include flecking, discoloration (bronzing) and scorching of leaves. Injury can lead to leaf loss and even plant death.
Natural enemies include...
Who's got a new idea?
No one has seen it all when it comes to screens, and there always seems to be new ideas when you simply ask for them around here.8-)
I personally would like to see someone shape a scrog into something creative. Even if there is not practical benefit. I have thought of...
Now of course we can not all agree with every piece of information presented before us, this cut and paste gives a general description of the method that can be easily used as a starting point reference.
cut and paste, thanks to 420info!
Published at 2006-06-13 in Growguides » Indoor growing
The screen of green (SCROG) method is also used when height and wattage are a consideration. A screen, usually of netting, screenwire or chickenwire, is attached at a desired height above the...
Welcome to Enter the Scrog, an open thread for all to do with Scr.O.G. or Screen of Green.
After much reading and following other pages related to the topic, I wanted to create a Scrog place for all.
Everyone is welcome, everyone is welcome to post.
Found this thread funny, not just because it sounds so impractical, but because something similar. A Juvie kid was doing work detail and found plants growing on the side of the rd where they had them cleaning up. Of course he didn't "Grow" it in jail, he was successful at keeping it "hush" for...