Right on...I got some freebee's and the sharksbreath looks like the only 1 out of the 3 worth trying. The other 2 look like millet(tiny)...oh well, they were free.
Looking good bud! I have kinda skipped through your thread, but I seen you was growing WW and switched to another strain. Was the WW not a good strain for you, and if so where did you get the strain. Just curious because I have WW and WR from GHS I was going to start in the spring.
Peace Kushcrosser
Here is a pic 3 days in the fc, and it looks like the 2 yr old syringe was still a winner!! I should have pins before long, and I am going to let them totally open up so I can get some prints for go round on wbs.
Looking good gurly!! Can't wait to see the end results! And guys its great when your woman loves growing and tending to things. My woman is a landscapers daughter and can tell you any plant she see's, and whats wrong with it. Its just too bad I couldnt of met her about 10yrs ago.