So I have a 750W HPS that I will being using for the flowering stage. I started to use it for the veg stage and it was three feet above the plant and was still getting way to hot 90-99 degrees and the plants were getting burned. I changed my lighting for the veg stage and all is well but I will...
It depends on the aprtment complex. Mine is an open apartment complex. which means you dont walk in a building to get to your place. Not only that everybody has their own AC unit so they have their own ventilation system. As long as i keep the smell in my place nobody would know.
Well you're gonna need a spot that is able to be completely dark for twelve hours and a spot thats lit 24hrs. How big do you plan on letting them get during flowering and how many are you gonna flower at one time?
I really wouldnt know anyway to flower plants in your home thats gonna be stealthy. I'm a first time grower and from my understanding. Your place is going to stink a lot unless you have it sealed and are using a carbon filter. Even with a sealed inviorment with a carbon filter its gonna stink a...
Buy a grow tent for the flower stage. It will be easier to control the smell, temp and humidity. Than you will have a spot for all three stages. Thats what i plan on doing when my baby gets big enough.
Well, I know with my plants, the recovery I saw was not in the leaves that got burnt. I saw in the new growth and the fact that the current leaves that were becoming yellow did not continue to yellow. If the leaves continue to yellow and wilt than you know the problem has not been fixed. Also...
Well, I honestly would first give it two or three days to see if the Calmag works. You don't want to try to many things at once, otherwise you wont know exactly what fixed the issue. Also you don't want to try to many things and take the chance of hurting her more. Every issue I have had, I got...
I gave it its first feeding last week with a weak solution of fox farm grow big. It looked like it took very well and I lightly watered it up till last night and feed it again. From what I read you should only feed it once a week and start light and slowly introduce the food.
I had a plant look similar to that and it was from the heat. I don't know if that's the same issue here but I burnt my leaves when I got them wet while under light. I pulled the light away from the plant so that it wouldn't be to hot and in a couple of days it looked better. the leaves that got...
If you want another person to swap photos and ideas with, I am a first time grower and started my grow on the 16th. I got four babies going, two cheese and two blue dream.
The grow tents have reflective lining, which helps get light to every spot on the plant. The green house effect you set up from the little knowledge i have. will only help with humidity and temp but not light. You want to get light to every spot on the plant to help it get bushy. I have a three...