Kinda strange that this topic comes up daily in new threads. Some people would benefit from reading prior to posting. Same questions over and over and over. I'd just say flush the fucking plants.
The treatment phase could be difficult. If it is botrytis you may be screwed as treatment probably will not eradicate it from the plant. If you are close to harvest you might need to cut the plant as this could lead to things like bud rot which is nasty shit for your yield. Got any more...
I don't know how old the plants are but this looks like a fungal infection to me. My initial thought is that the pathogen has entered the plant and your plant is probably in some trouble. Looks as if the infection has been going along for awhile. Check the canopy areas.See if they show similar...
My daughter in law is a pharmacist. PhD. She says there is always an underlying element that acts with the cannabis in this disease - typically other drugs - but other things as well. Other physiological events going on in your system that you might not be aware of.
The one on the right seems to have perked up. I'd wait on the flip and work your veg technique a bit more. That's how we learn. This is a pretty big curve so patience is certainly helpful. Good luck
Pruning and defoliating at least in my mind are different processes. A properly pruned tomato will produce fruit that will finish before Fall. A defoliated tomato will probably produce poor yields
Really hard to tell from the shots you posted. Sometimes shit the grower uses can make the stuff smell wierd. The stuff doesn't look moldy to me based solely on the photos