Set up an open space with pasteboard painted with flat white containing titanium dioxide. What are you yielding, how many plants, are you topping, lsting, or anything of the sorts.
Light may not be the issue, could be your growing style
My example is that plants outdoors are exposed to those lights wether you want them to or not. I want to say hermies are a genetic predisposition. Not so much because a small light leak
Honestly... I don't think light leaks affect plants much. Let's take outdoor plants for instance. They're exposed to all sorts of lights at night.
Moonlight, Car lights, security lights, street lights. List goes on n on.
I honestly don't think it will. Or if it does, it affects a minute amount.
That mutation is just cool looking. Some leaves even turn purple.
The reason I don't believe it affects much is because it's usually just a few leaves that do that or sometimes you can have a whole stem.
No, the reason I'm saying that the lower shoots grew were due to the apical bud (main cola) being bent over redistributing auixins (plant hormones). This can give you a bushier plant and disrupts the xmas tree look that cannabis normally grows in
I completely understand what you're doing, however you do not understand why it's happening. More light to the lower branches doesn't mean more growth. The reason those lower branches grew is because auxins were redistributed after you lowered the apical dominant bud. That's why I mentioned to...
More light to the bottom branches doesn't necessarily mean bigger buds.... The difference in size of buds from the top and the bottom is a hormonal issue, not a light issue.
Look up apical dominance if u want to learn more about it
Chemical taste...?
Makes me think he didn't have much of an idea on how to dry n cure too well.
As for your essential oil thing. I remember reading something along those lines in Mel franks book.
Oh damn, I was going to suggest skipping the tent and just using an open space. You could use paste board painted with flat white titanium dioxide paint to set up tour enclosure