yeah...pick the ones that are ready, and let the others go a little longer. Just be careful picking around the ones you are gonna let go longer. You dont want to damage the myc
brown doesnt sound good! Keep an eye on it and if it gets worse...pitch em. Alot of times ppl buy rye bags ready to inject, and they were contaminated from the supplier. Thats why I make my own.
Well, I take that back...they said when I called they has some in stock...went there 2day and nothing! I went to Home Depot, and Menards..nobody has any! So it looks like I am using coir, I will post some pics when I get done.
3 to 4lbs...usually 3 or a little over....OMG..I started 1 fem white rhino seed from GHS and within 5 hrs the taproot is already showing!!!!! I have a feeling this is gonna be a winner! By the time the kush plants are done, it will have a nice root system on it. Then it will be going in with the...
I only let them veg for 2 weeks after transplanting to the 2 gall buchets. Thet take off as soon as they get transplanted! They have grown 6in taller in the last 2 days...I have to move my lights up every other day.
The best cheap homemade humidifier you can make is a large watter bottle willed with water,,,next get a cheap airpump and put a small bubblestone on the air line and put it in the watter bottle. This will add RH, and pushout CO2 through the pollyfil