Just wait till its solid white, and you will be good to go. Alot of times you dont see the rhizo growth until its been trayed up. myc is diff with every strain, or it can grow diff depending on the climate, and moisture content.
Aborts are the mini mushrooms that never make it to maturity, and yes they have high levels of psilocybin but Im not sure of the content per weight.
and for bob....you can only dunk brf cakes, wbs will just fall apart on you.
Its not as hard as alot of ppl think, I tried a few yrs ago and gave up. Early this year I decided I was going to try again...my first try I only started 3 jars and 2 ended up gettin contams. After that, I havnt had any problems. Learn from your mistakes, and read read read! Shroomtalk is where...
yep...its verry important that you pick ALL the aborts before re-casing, or they will rot and get contaminated before it pins again! Then just put another thin layer of verm covering all the potholes from picking, and fill in all the cracks arount the edge where the myc shrunk during fruiting...
Well, I re-cased the tray and sprayed the hell out of it. The cake is dunkin in the fridge, and will be going back in the fc tomorrow night. Round 2 here we come!
you can buy morel syringes..here is a link I found from sporeworks...
Cultivation Difficulty: Difficult
Type: Edible
Substrate: Grass seed, hardwood sawdust
Colonization/Fruiting Temperatures: 70-75F/40-60F
Sclerotia Formation Temperature: 60-65F
Avilable In: Culture Syringe, Culture...
First off you need a freshly picked mushroom, and a sterile container to take the print. I use zip-loc twist n loc containers most of the time.
Next you need a piece of foil(steralize first..oust) and fold it in an L shape and set it in your container(I always use gloves) Now pick a cap to...
Its best to pick right when the viel starts to tear and they still have a ball shape. I just needed some prints, so I let em go a little longer. Early this morn would of been the best time to pick em.
I will post a link when I put it up...
I just leave em on the paper plate with a small fan pointing on them, flippin them over once a day and they are usually dry in 3 days. After they dry, I take an X-acto knife and lightly scrape off the verm..comes off easy. I am going to post a "Make your own spore print" about 11 or 12 tonight...