Received photos from a friend.
This (Medi - Pot) user finished CAROLINA using 4 X 45watt CFL's.
"Its amazing how many folks have gone to growing for them self, here in our neck of the woods."
"The Alaska DEA has been adamantly punishing cannabis users under federal law for the last few...
Pound per Month?
Start with a strain called 2 pounder. Mother it for three months and keep it vegg from there on, clone it every week, flower from clone. You will get a pound per month!:hump:
Woodsman.... :peace:
When you have a plant problem buddy, you can ask it of the community...
Doing its thing, current status!
Sorry there are not better quality photos taken of bud sites. I will upgrade our photography equipment (cheap digital) to something that will get a nice close shot for you. Coming Soon!
Matanuska Thunderous Underground
LST'd in preparation for SCROG.
Two days ago this plant was placed on 12-12 and showed sex today. This was in order to insure the sex regardless of being claimed as a feminized seed...
Its female.
There is one clone that will be taken and...
I will get into the Off Grid Life more in detail later as I expect it will be a point of talk.
What we are using to power our cabin is known as a Hybrid Power System.
The system is a combination of Wind Turbine, Hydroelectric Power System, and a solar power system. Due to the extremes in...
Now I will be getting into a bit about my grow room set up as of late.
As the title of this thread implies, this grow room set up is under a cabin. The cabin is completely off grid, however has electricity produced by a few different types of generators (get into that later); Plumbing that...
This set of photos is of another peculiar strain called CAROLINA.
The story behind this strain is one of legend. This was a strain that was planted in a bucket garden in the middle of a pine tree forest by the "old timers". The said strain took over the localized area and became known as...
This set is also of M.T.U.
The First set shown above was taken when the plant (also F1) was about 3 weeks old.
The following however, may unfortunately be out of order in terms of age.
These Set of Photos are of a particularly "dear to the heart" strain called: Matanuska Thunderous Underground. This strain was created by a breeder friend of mine who passed away two years ago. This strain was a cross of Matanuska Thunderfuk (original 1972) Super Silver Haze, and an unknown...
This Set of Photos is again of the AUH#2. Something I had not mentioned before is that these are F1 feminized from Green House Seed Company.
I apologize if these are out of order in terms of age; I will correct this problem from here on.