As the title says, all my seeds have germinated inside of their rockwool. However, only 4 of the six are actually sprouted (the white widows sprouted). I just now vented the holes halfway and plan to open them up fully tomorrow. I just wanted to wait till they all sprouted at the same time...
I have entertained the idea of a HPS but quickly become overwhelmed when looking for what to buy. Do you have a particular one in mind you could suggest?
Knew I forgot something, I have a hole drilled into my attic with a 4'' vivsosun exhaust. I also have a few cheap oscillating fans I'm planning on hanging throughout.
First time poster, long time reader.
I currently have a 2x10 closet that I'm planning to grow Photos in. I was thinking of everything I needed but I constantly keep getting caught up on the type of grow light I want. Currently, my mindset is to purchase 2 or 3 SF2000 lights and grow under...