Why the rush for an LP exemption???....Rona, why didn't you take your time and do a study?
Why such a knee jerk reaction, were you feeling pressure from the LPs?
Interesting indeed....
Talking about LPs..."They also provide Canadians, with physician support,"...uh...ok HC
"Licensed producers must not sell or provide any cannabis oil that will exceed 30mg per mL of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)"
Testing on fresh weed?....shipping fresh weed...
Very weak reason for your Doctor to refuse to sign....I won't sign because then I will have to do my job, and it might take some effort and thought. Very lame.
As if he doesn't have "kooks and crackpots" already, seeking oxys and percs....bullshit!
As if everyone that wants to get high will...
One area that was discussed was that of motivation, or lack of.
Take a look at the kids who succeed academically, most don't smoke pot on a regular base....just saying