Hey, I asked Hybrid this question in the other thread, but I think he missed my question in recent "flurry" of activity.
He said he spoke to you about the new light and when it would be released.
Do you work for HGL? Just wanted to clarify if we could direct questions to you about the new...
I haven't! That would be a first for me. Do they leave a trail or any kind of telltale? I assume they come when it's dark. I could use my handy "plant flashlight" app and go scope it out at night...
How do you get rid of them?
Anyone ever seen this?
Little holes all the way thru...the plant is very healthy and is growing vigorously. At first I thought it was a pest, but upon further inspection I am doubting that. 2 reasons...
1. The damage is extremely consistent. The same node of new growth on every chute, right...
I'm sure.
But they cant delete your comments from showing up in their replies when they quote you. So I saw all the comments you made that they felt compelled to reply to you about.
None of it was that bad. People need thicker skin.
The pathetic part is, from what I saw, he wasnt actually trolling at all. He asked valid questions, then got dog piled by sycophants.
It's a sad state of affairs over there. :spew:
Yea...I just went and read it. Apparently if you dont blindly worship at the altar of "he who shan't be named" while also mocking Hybrids grow, you are automatically a bad actor who must be unilaterally banned from their safe space.
Pretty disgusting degenerate cuddle puddle they have going...
Brutal. I'm sticking to having an auto only tent. And all my outdoor photos in pots (so I can dodge the shitty weather) and keeping them in the pool area. Inside a fence, on concrete. I've been burned too many times any other way.
Man...that's a f'ing bummer. Sorry bro. I had some massacres like in my first season. Took me 2 or 3 seasons to get dialed in. And even then, nature throws crazy curve balls at you. Some of which you cant avoid or prevent or repair. It can be brutal for sure.
I think, like Matty said, location...
Looks like the site is still semi under construction. Cant wait for it to be done so I can read about these.
They kind of look like HLG boards. How similar are they? It's a smart move...its clearly the direction the market is going.
Grapey Walter, when its finished really well, is one of the best looking plants of any kind I've ever seen.
I have already started a Double Grape grow. 2 of them in a 2x4 tent under a HLG 260 R-spec. Cant wait to see them flower. Double Grape is supposed to be something pretty special according...
Welcome aboard DJ!
I'm on the south shore (781), so we will be sharing weather! As far as your concerns...
Birds and critters wouldn't be that high on the list for me. Besides deer. My outdoor plants are in a pool area on the deck around the pool, so they are isolated from most critters...
Due to the recent education I received when being beaten into the dirt by oppressive humidity, I have decided to take a few precautions for when the real "Double Grape" grow starts...
There is no room in my 2x4 tent for a dehumidifier or a wall mounted oscillating fan (although I have thought...
Monday night, my brother, his wife and myself are standing out in the pool area looking at the plants. Just talking...hanging out. We start to hear a noise. My brother asked "what the hell is that sound?"
I immediately said, "that's a helicopter flying very low. Like, repelling hight...". Sure...
It's all cleared up now.
And I agree, Hybrid is deff "in the know"! Hes like the James Bond of grow lights! I've been reading some of his older stuff and this guy is one to follow for sure. Talent, and the relationships needed to get the goods.
Pretty rare mix, and a huge asset to RUI!