it gets -40 in canada and every yr seeds sprout. seedco say lots of stuff and excuses are common. dj's gear is top notch but if a company buys them from him to retail and sells them 5yrs later it isnt fair to say that is djs fault. seeds kinda need a best b4 date to defend breeder lol
black russian is the most mold resistant strain i have worked with, it can lay in wet dirt till nov. up here in canada. one yr it rained from aug-nov 15 and when i pulled them they had snow on them. the negative is it flowers late. black widow is also pretty resistant. wish ya luck
lol the expeses are high, i you cover the expenses with illegal black market sales. hide behind mmar. pay 3k to doctors but nothing for growers expenses or wages. i would do it if it wasnt being a dirtbag lol i think we need a thread to show all the smokers, vapers how you guys that use...
nature will do the trick for most except slugs and snails, budworms. seaweed keeps happy plants. neem oil is great if you get a problem but be carefull to apply on rainy overcast days