you need to get the humidity down thats all there is to it. day and night. yes day to because one leaf can lay on another and there it starts again,one drop of water on a bud and so on.
i have a aeroponic cloner. there is no direct light on it at all, as it is on a shelf above the veg light its a T5.
The problem is every time i use it every 2 days i have to lower the PH. I start it off at 5.8 and 2 days later 8.5
Would a cap of peroxide help.
sorry but i know its not the lights. this is the 7th cross with this strain always is the exact same environment.
I know its something with the last cross i just need to know what so i don't do it again. i put 3 yrs. of work into this
bugeye is right if you read TOL by the rev. he go over salts. a revers osmosis water system will remove the salt when you use tap water you have to flush it then put it into flower. i prommis the book is worth the read.
i have been working with this strain it is mostly sativa for a long time locking down all the dom. traits i wanted.
my problem is. i did what i thought would be the last breeding, well the seeds start good and they all look great. they grew about 12 inches in 1 1/2 weeks and stopped growing...