It depends largely on both how big are your plants going to get and what technique are you going to use. For example techniques where only roots have to fit in a bucket and most of the water is recirculated from some central reservoir, you'll need less water then with techniques like regular DWC...
Not at all. What I do is cut a hole in the middle of a styrofoam board, and then cut it in half (perpendicular to the longer edge), so I get two halves that can easily be removed when I need to tinkle with the buckets as they are just sitting on the lid but aren't attatched to anything.
First, I place sheets of styrofoam on top of the buckets, so that they completely divide my cabinet into two separate areas (I only leave some holes through which plant stems grow) Then I put an intake fan that pulls the air straight from the outside andinto the lower area where the buckets are...
Well, if you have a 5 gal bucket, you drank about one thousandth (is that a word) of the total amount of nutes you put in your res. I don't think that's enough to do serious harm. If those nutes were that poisonous, there would be a lot of cases of nute poisoning.
I just wash my materials and make sure there isn't any decaying material before reusing them. I find the idea of going to lengths to sterilize everything and then not using gloves, sterile clothes and mask/hair covering whenever entering your grow area funny.
I'm not sure you could kill bacteria with low voltage alone. There are some electric pulse sterilization techniques, but low voltage electricity just won't flow through the volume of water in an insulated bucket just like that. Perhaps there would be some effect in a volume very near the...
Yes. You can brew microbe teas with it. There is a sticky topic about it here.
Concerning other aditives, it is my personal opinion that very few of them will actually do anything good for your plants (and might kill them).
Hydro plants gow faster, and perhaps yield a bit more. On the other hand, it takes daily pH adjustments and weekly res changes. I personally like doing DWC but I understand people who stick with soil.
Bucket size depends on how large a plant you plan on growing. On my last grow, 5 gall was...
I keep my seeds in water for 24 hours and then move them to a wet towel. I usually expect my seeds to pop about a day or two after being moved to a wet towel. I have seen some sleep for up to 5 days.
But if you notice one element missing, what do you do? Comercialy available fertilizers most usually contain more than one component, so you can't add any of those without risk of causing toxicity with some other element.
I'm quite certain adding sugar to your res is a bad idea. It has no benefit whatsoever since roots can't take in sugar, and can do a lot of harm since it will feed the bacteria that will in turn cause root problems.
Well, some benneficial microorganisms do make biofilms, so everything could be just fine. Specially if you are seing things grow. plants that are suffering from root rot usually stagnate.
I'm a bennie fan, so I'd keep going and see what happens.
Some pics could be helpful. If it's a thick layer sticky stuff that elgulfs your roots, it's probably bad. If it's thin biofilm or is easily washed away, you're probably OK.
There isn't a way to determine how much of each element you need to add without a serious chemistry lab. If I was you, I'd find a way to transport water more efficiently.
I think your problem could be that the rockwool gets waterlogged during the 15 minute top feeding cycle and never gets to dry out, drowning the roots in it and thus starting trouble. Try doing a grow without the rockwool, putting a seed germinated in a paper towel straight into perlite.