*outdoor hybrid dwc buckets (60/40) % or (70/30)% --tea/"synthetics" , the 70/30 bucket is frosty as hell.. and still snowing~ i prefer my roots stained brown :joint:
--fookies is finally going full throttle, she is a slow-poke~
Only thing I could add is make sure your brewing above 85f, "meals" ingredients get "used" properly in hotter brew conditions~ I'd brew for longer too, maybe try 30+hrs :)
btw, it's cool to add more bennies-- just don't over do it :joint:
Do you have a pic of this purple lady? Can never have enough of purple indicas :) --current fav purp indy is darkstar, tho i wish i got the pk pheno:joint:
*made an enzyme tea with 100oz liquid (bio-digestor/2months/all-fruits) , 1cp barley malt syrup, 1cp rice syrup (molasses not really "ideal" for this type of tea-- 2.s) ,and topped off with filtered coffee run-off from that bucket~
--the foam smells like sweet ripe fermenting fruits...