Gotchya. The soil cooked for about a month before i planted the plants in it. The plants been in there for about 2 and a half weeks. I just started noticing the green crack(short and bushy) was getting lighter and the sherbert(taller one) still was a good green color to me
I have a couple plants in soil i mixed. There is feather meal, oyster shell, kelp meal in the soil and i just top dressed pretty heavily with forrest humus. I have been watering with just water and mykos and em1 for microbes. My question is should i go out and buy a liquid organic fertilizer for...
So i got my clones 12 days ago and since then i have seen about an inch vertical and a little horizontal. I have pics of before and after. Are thwy growing at normal rate? When should i see vigor growth? Im in central ca in ffhf and been watering every 4 to 5 days with great whit mycrohizae. Can...
Lol slipup trying to tell greasemonkey hes doing it wrong xD look at his previous threads and know who youre talking about before you reply. That would be much appreciated thanks
I picked up some cuts from harborside. I got dream queen and sunset sherbert cuts. Does anybody have any reviews on dhn at all? Are they reputable? Frosty genetics? Any info on the specific strains i got? Thanks RIU'ers