I use diatomaceous earth. It physically kills them and its a powder. How long do you have until harvest? But it takes about a week for the plants to recover from it. It's really cheap though. Russet mites are extremely tough to get rid of. If I were you if it's only on a few branches I would...
Dang I feel bad for you man. I had a garden of 40 and 15 of them were severely infested with russet mites. Had to chop 60% of the plant and use diatomaceous earth because it's organic and already budding. Best of luck to you
Russet mites for sure. Take care of that asap. I had the same problem go to Google images and type in cannabis russet mite damage pronto. Tell me if that's the issue. Do it now cause they are no joke
My knife skills are on point in the kitchen haha. But I just need something that works good. These russet mites are no joke and spreading super quickly. I want to find something that works. I was just fishing for more opinions cause I heard russet mites can destroy your whole crop
How do I get rid of russet mites. Diatomaceous earth helped a little bit. I'm spraying with was mad and safer spray. I'm outside. Could I go through harvest with these russet mites or will they destroy my crop
It helps lower temps which slows the drying process. Humidifier/dehumidifier can control humidity. That's just what I use but I'm sure there are better ways out there. Gary's idea is great too. Just throw them in the jar before they are completely dry and take a look at them a couple times a...