flourescents are all you need! Mushrooms dont rely on light to grow, they rely on it to tell them which direction to grow! I have seen ppl using x-mas tree bulbs!
good soil..plenty of water and nutes..and tons of room for root growth..and when they are in veg outdoors..they are gettin more light, not less! I have had 7 footers that yielded over a pound!
I just went through a divorce after being together for 6 yrs..married 4..she didnt like the fact that I was growing for a living..but when you have a felony on your record..its not easy finding a job. Some women can be cold...hell mine is with her ex-husband before me if that tells you anything...
they would probably want an arm and a leg for em...I got a pair of digis on ebay for $3.99...the shipping was more than the scales..like $15 bucks all together