go to where you want to post, and near the top of the page should be "post new thread"... when you're in there. towards the mid/ bottom, you'll see upload file
ok, need to make the journal, but here's something:
set up:
"Bagseed"... friends mom, local grower, passed, left her the house/grow... unknown strain but all the same.
G&B potting soil w Rainbow Mix Grow @ rec dose top dressed with RM Bloom at flower
Temps mainly in the 50s-60s in veg (high...
Le her go quick, and as painless as possible, feeling loved and cherished... and then... be happy for her, and mad at her, and sad for me and then fuck it...spend a while doing everything I never could cuz of other people til I died or killed myself of boredom (die I think, maybe "accidentally"...
Meh, people say so... I feel pretty happy go lucky though, so idk... but I do think about the bad shit... a lot of it has happened o me... like I said, I lost my parents, I've been abused, in foster care, homeless, had terrible pain from different things... and that's not counting the number of...
And if a meteor stuck and all humanity was gone? both your efforts and my non efforts would amount to the same... dust, in the wind (c'mon someone do it with me) duuuust in the wiiiiind...
ok but wanting no one to suffer is like saying you want no one to die... that's untenable... literally, will not work.. same with suffering... naturally we sufer, and then we have made a system which works on one person getting less so others can get more... so, you have to both accept and...
if the whole country thought a little more like this... think about it! hello all local foods thus cutting transport costs and air/noise/etc pollution and traffic, not knowing what's in your food... goodbye dependence on foreign goods... good bye wage slaving through life... hello more time...
But you also couldn't stop it... world war or asteroid or such... you can't even prevent the kind of world ending that would happen if you passed (as my mom did when i was ~12... WORLD ENDING)
But... ust curious... let's say your kid was grown, and was everything you hated about humanity... how...
That's because you find meaning in that... maybe you're right, living for me is shallow, heck, lets say selfish... guess what, I am the center of the universe according to me... and, if I'm doing stuff to make me feel like accomplished, or some sense of self worth, isn't that selfish too? and...
actually it isn't... IF you have a small box/tent/whatever...AND IF you let the LED fans vent right into the space (most common) then you can get 100... you have to account for a lot, but my 3x4x4 was getting 80+ in there with an outside (around it, not outdoors, was a bit warmer in the sun) of...