I have checked it out and I hope for my 2nd harvest with sub gear Ill be using the super soil I know it works but I just spent about 110 bucks so Ill be trying that next harvest.
That sucks now I wish i would have kept them they said huge yields and extremely potent, also purple they also said breeder stamped ash cropper approved, or something like that but yeah the beans weere 80 for 10.
Yo rollitup! Going for my next harvest just placed an order for 10 3rd dimension, 20 jillybean and 10 pandoras box SUBCOOL beans of course and not to mention his side kick MzJill. If anybody knows any tricks to making these beautiful women grow oh so perfect or even just the dos and donts please...
Ok again changed my order I wanted to stick with straight SUBCOOL beans so I canceled on the majic merlin it was outlaw genetics and I know nothing about them. I went with pandoras box jillybean and 3rd dimension. Im trying to complete the order I payed with buy out option and the status says...
Yo does anyone know how discreet the shipping is that comes from bidzbay?? I just ordered 20 jillybeans 10 3D and about to order 10 majic merlin but I need to know about the shipping I know theyll make it but will they be stealth??
Fuck bad news I went to order and they have pulled the querkle dont know why but If anybody knows let me know, I dont know if it has to do with being completely sold out I hope not.
Im placeing an order tomorrow for some 10 jillybeans and 10 Querkle Im damn excited I have now 1800 watts 600 of them being mh these things should be crazy, Im also adding the humboldts own ultra snow storm to my feedings and some oregonism from roote organics. This dank is going to be the ish...
Indeed I just wonder so I can stop singling out the ones with average to medium yields you know?? Even a half gram per with 1000 watts If I could have 500 grams of dried pot per 1000 that would be nice.
Ok good Ill make sure to introduce nutes lower than dose. Ill be using some roots organics nutes Ill have to get some pics up once they go into flower, do some comparing. What do you anticipate the yields will be?? How far into flower are you now that they are explding??
Oh 1 more note, they all stayed squat and nice bush, 1 main cola and about 8 others 6 inches from top cola. This was a 5 pack of seeds. IMO I will say this is a very stable strain, I have first hand experience.
Hey my buddy got some sensi star from paradise and the shit came out super duper dense and tiched, but for some reason when I smoked it I just expected a more powerful punch not saying its not stronger it could have been my buddy. The high didnt last as long I thought either maybe an hour or so...