I have been going crazy trying to find a alternative forum of lights that can produce a large yield. The best I can come up with is the california light works solar storm with the chamilion solar genesis 1. Just wondering what you guys have came up with?
Thanks for the complement. They are in 1 gal root bags. I am going to trans plant into 5 gal. Also they are about a month old, to soon to switch to 12/12?
I was watering that often because my soil dryers out that fast. Within like 20 hours, the first inch of the soil is completely dry. I also lowered the light a couple inches. Thanks for the help.
I came home to find this. I lowered the light and dropped the biggest plant down. That is the only thing that has changed, so I have no idea what could have been wrong. I gave it some straight water and now I am just waiting but any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks again