Okay so I've ingested all of it. I feel strange. I've been speaking very existentially. There seems to be a lot of meaning to things and fluency of words. I never felt too sick, my stomach hurt for a few minutes but not too bad.
Is this stuff going to sneak up on me and become a bear cavalry...
The only extraction I ever did right with DXM was the delsym/water extraction. That was very bizzarre. Took a full 24 hours to kick in a couple times. That led to some eventful public intoxication. I'm not even sure if that makes sense scientifically.. But that's what happened. Multiple times...
Hm. A friend of mine did it and said that he didn't notice any buzz but a feeling of 'I'm having a great day!' later on.
I'll have to buy some, it's pretty cheap so it'll be interesting.
I'm also kind of weary because there was a lot of whiskey drinking last night. I mentioned it but some of that writing was a little weird.
Like I said though I had a full sleep and a good meal.
2g shouldn't be able to kill someone even with a stomach full of tyramine right?
Thanks :) I will try.
I've taken one sip and feel sweaty. And antsy. I'm gonna do it sip by sip. I only brewed 2g so I'm hoping it's fine.
I have all night to play with this. But I don't feel like taking another sip yet.
What kinds of things does it induce in you on its own?
Man, you must really like your kratom extracts lol
I'm gonna have to buy a couple to compare with making my own.
I second the kratom though. It's more of an opiate feeling as opposed to benzo. That's why I recommended Kava kava. But Kratom is most definitely absolutely wonderful.
I ordered 114 grams of syrian rue for an acacia confusa brew.
I haven't been eating any tyramine except I'm not sure about this baja chicken taco that I ate today.
I want to see what it is on its own a few times before I drink the kool-aid because rapid heart beat, and all of its other...
I'm gonna have to try this.
Always heard mixed reviews as well about the seeds.. But why not try?
I'm going to have to get that source so it's fool proof since it worked for you. I have no opiate tolerance at all.. It'll be nice to do some poppy seed tea if it works. I absolutely love opium...
I got like reported for saying that once... Fuckin gay lol
'Inappropriate language'
My ass, a century ago I said it all the time while I told mark twain what to write and stuff
I remember hearing a Terrence McKenna speech on mushrooms being an extraterrestrial because they told him so. His biological reason I never looked into, but it was an interesting thing to hear.
I really questioned this specific deal while reading into Ibogaine reports. If you haven't, I...
Etizolam I just like better. It has a more happy thing to it that xanax doesn't. And you don't black out as much(even though I like to, just depends on the dose haha).
In my experience, just much cheaper, less addictive.. Personally I like the feeling better.. Matter of preference I guess.
I can tell you that Kava kava has made me unable to drive before. And has caused me to have co workers suspect I'm on drugs. Also it once made me sleep for 36 or so hours on and off because wayyyyyyyyy over did the kava milkshake haha.
Apparently grocery/supplement store kinds suck complete...