"I respect this country, I love this country, which gives everyone a chance to be a human being." I think I need to shut up about my liberties of not being able to grow cannabis like some of the rest you can. I've been a cry baby! I've taken this country's liberties for granted when in...
ya I know guys. I got a razor blade to cut the bottom of the can open. He would never come out the other way just like potpimp said about the scales. I imagined holding the end together until the whole thing was sliced because I know he will get at me. But I could not pick it up. It is such a...
anyways it cant be that fucking hard to figure out, the whole state must grow ; it's like the top producer in the fucking nation. hide your shit and don't get caught!
why are you trying to appeal to ky growers? is that fishy? ky is not the only state where you can't do a damn thing! maybe you would get a response if you asked about growing guerrilla in general. btw... how many posters are really regular's who post under a fake profile?
I am sick about the snake guys and am afraid to help it. I am more afraid of not helping it. its cold and wet out and that fucking thing is further in the can! if I try and help it by cutting the can, it will jump at me when its free. should I film this circus for you clowns when I attempt...