If they want to see the other (Defol/leaf pruning) threads, they can simply use the search function located on the top right~ ..Most defoliation threads under AMC have been closed due to the constant intelligent banter of both sides in-regards to this spicy topic~
This is a defoliation thread, if your just here to post something that has nothing to do with defoliation/leaf pruning--- thanks for sharing your "opinion" and move on~
@Sir Ganga, dude just stick to the topic :) no need to address things that won't help the OP~ I'll make sure (or at-least try)...
Lol.. True, but I pre-rinse the bar of soap i'm using before I go ass to face, haha ~safeguard in bulk, all body, since i'm bald, no need for shampoos & what-nots