I'm going with the majority on this, RIU is intended for a place where users can feel open to share ideas and communicate freely amongst each other, so I took it upon myself to review what members have stated, and fixed the problem~
Namaste :leaf:
These shows remind of the import tuner car shows back in the days, with the half naked models at each booth, now its stoned half naked chicks.. sweet~
I just don't get why they slap the "medical" on it, just say kush expo~ :rolleyes:
What the hell happened to this thread, I thought it was about light cycles, keep to the subject guys~
The pic UB posted is questionable (depends on how you interpret it), but unless rolli or a global deletes it, I can't edit it since it doesn't really violate any of the RIU TOS~
I'm just gonna wait to see what new MMO blizz is gonna put out before jumping back into another "wow" type game.. Fable series is good, part 2 sucked donkey balls tho~