Man it looks sweet! Can't beat that free light called the sun ;) Plants look like they're still sorta setteling, in a week or two I bet they are gonna take off :-P
The weather isn't warm enough to put plants out on the balcony yet. I found 3 more pots in my attic storage for the strawberries, but gonna have to buy some buckets for the potatoes.
The HB's now have roots all the way down the 3 gallon pots and I started feeding them from the bottom too. They...
Yup I'm back! I can't reveal too much but the documentary is like a "time print", a snapshot of the time we're living in, unscripted. I can tell you I met a man who's around 55-60 and who's been brought up and lived in the same city since birth, same as I. We had a giving conversation that...
Haha I don't even know why I asked. OFC ima smoke a doobie ;) At first I was like "Iono if I wanna do this", but then I reconsidered, I mean if I can have total stranger comin from US to stay w me for 1 day, then I can go in a mini van and converse w a stranger for 25mins
edit: smoked...
Nice HB man, and the others too ;) Coming in nicely! Now ima go cuz in a lil I'll be in a documentary sort of...LOL! I just got called up from one of my brothers freind, and he asked me if I'd like to be in a documentary wich will go on national television this fall :-P What I'm gonna do is sit...
Aren't friends the best! :mrgreen: You're welcome back anytime ;)
I cheated...I got clones! :-P 1:30 am...time to go up to the attic and see if I have more pots, the 3 strawbellies haven't been planted yet. If I don't have any more pots, I'm sure my neighbours have some :fire:
I went to the plant school today and I got, tomato plant, 3 kinds of strawbellies and 1 kind of "small strawbellies" (we have a another word for these here), 3 potatoes, oregano, parsley and basil ;) Ima go plant them later!
My goodie tray ;)
Yeah I'd take 802.11 grams..or wait 802.11 n's...hmm are you growing weed on bord the Enterprise?
cat5's and n's, WPA there's even a WPA2...are these strains? :mrgreen:
I took a clone at 4 weeks in flower, took 10 days for it to root well and start reverting the flowers. Will let it be another 2 days under the humidity dome then transplant it. Done this before, works but take a bit longer, but once it starts growing, nothing branches like a flowering clone ;)...
No I wouldn't. I would hang it up properly so it doesn't "fall", I even gave you a pic, was for laughs, but you coulda done that way. Yeah I knew it was enough for a week, so is a 40W light bulb...
I envy outdoor "home" growers. Wish I had a house and lived where it's warmer ;) Looking sweet fdd! Sub'd up!
One question. Me and my friend were discusing the potency outdoor vs indoor. Enlighten me please! Ofc I understand that the potency of outdoors depends on where you live, but in... worries there is a lot to come! Another 3-4 weeks then I will start cloning, and another 2 weeks after that the first HBs will be in flower. Welcome on board!
Yes I think it can cause mold or the medium not to dry up properly. However, my panels aren't "resting" on the soil surface...
If something that deserves a pic bump!
So lovely looking in the green house! ;) What you recon I could grow on my balcony? Its faced south, so there's sun almost whole day and it gets very hot on a sunny day but as you know where I live you also know it isn't tropical summer heat here ;) I...
Today is 4 week mark and the plants are thriving! I also made a little invention, I'm sure some1 else growing in soil have done likewise before, but I got the idea from watching my freinds hydro grows. Hydro growers don't want any light to penetrate to the roots and therefore I seen for example...
If you're refering to me that's your opinion. I don't consider myself a moron...and btw why did you make a "fake" account whoever you are just to make that post, I can't believe it's a new member and that calling some 1 a moron is a first post?! Well nothing surprises me nemore...lighten...
Oh noes! A leaf snapped...ABORT ABORT ABORT!!! Sounds like bs to me. Just because it "fell" you aborted your "experiment"? It wasn't cuz the light wasn't enough?
Henry Ford during the process of drawing up the first T-Ford
- Oh noes! My drawing table fell to the floor. Well it looked like it...
One evening when I was "gardening" I fergot a glass of dark rum in the grow room. Next day bout 10 flies of some sort ;) were dead floating in the rum. I let it sit and within a week I had no airborne insects whatsoever. I was not really bothered by the flies since there wern't that many to...