Baking soda will stop it...mix a table spoon to a quart of water and spray directly to infected leafs...leave for a few hours and spray with fresh tap water..the baking soda changes the ph of the leaf surface to 7 survive in an environment of not spray young seedlings or clones...
cfls are good for vegging ...usless for flower...u should buy a 250 watt hps....u could put 4 11 liter pots under it with good 600 watt hps and all the trimmings around it cost me about 25-30 euros a week to run..that's not bad for what im pulling off it.....I started my first...
Bigger the roots ..bigger the fruits.2 and 3 gallon pots are more than enough for indoor growing..i grow 9 in 11 litre pots under 600 if I was growing 4 plants ..5 gallon would be good..example..i try and use 20 gallons of soil under each what ever the number of plants im...
Yes..the longer you veg the bigger your yeild will be...but U must have the correct size pot if U want to veg longer...example...i start my seeds in 4" pots for 2 weeks and transplant to 11 litre ..veg another 2 weeks And then put in flower...any longer veg time id need bigger pots...or I get...
Put them in a brown paper bag and fold it closed .turning the buds 2-3 times a day ..2 days should be enough..then put in mason jar ..burp daily till completly dry and close jar for a week and the aroma will come back...every week after that it will get better...or it should if you grew her...
Heat stress and light leaks are the 2 things that cause hermies..and of course bad genetics.. I was told to much nitrogen will also cause them...just my thought
If your on your second grow just grow the plants normal...and learn from them....mainling is an advanced growing technech...not for a newbie .....and buy proper genetics..and stay away from bagseed....good seeds are not exspensive to purchase....learning to grow from bagseed is a no
Hey robar
hey roobar ..I can plastic or PVC hold more moister than plywood...its my understanding that all tents have PVC based material inside them ...easy to wash down if needed...mylar is PVC..and reflective on other side..all diy built grow rooms will be lined out with black...
Cal-mag deficency...and it is normal for the leafs to yellow from the bottom up ..thats the plant pulling the nutes from them to boost flower production...always feed your veg nutes for the first 2-3 weeks of 12/12.there still only growing till the strech stops...change to bloom nutes then.hope...
Hey can get 4 nice size plants in a 4.5x4.5x7 foot tent in 5 gallon pots vegged for 6 to 8 be packed out by harvest time...skip I'm still buddy is the same he said the best of stuff comes out of them..what size light u using
My room is only slightly bigger than a tent.make partition walls from 3x2 timbers and cover it with black plastic or whatever you have...and Mylar the inside of it ...job done...a lot cheaper than buying a tent IMO..I'm a carpenter so I like making stuff...but it could be to much work for...