I finally got a scope yesterday so I was able to check some trichs on my power skunk and so far they are looking like about 50 cloudy 40 amber and even a little bit of clear, so harvest is rite around the corner. Its been like 14 weeks or more. HARVEST TIME, well in 1 week or so. WOOT WOOT
Well to let everybody know I have 3 Power Skunk that have been in flowering for roughly 14 weeks now I will give them 1 more week and I just got a scope today and as far as I can see now trichs are only 50% amber and 50% milky very few clear. So that will be 15 weeks in flower and whats weird is...
Well I use 6 40w bulbs and rite now there are 8 under those lights so figure you could get probably 3 under 40 watts but what are you going to flower with.
Actually from what I believe you can get 12- 14 plants under 1000w but I like to keep mine at around 10 for every 1000w, also my girls now are between 4 and 6 1/2 ft tall so yeah.
Indeed BUBBLEBERRY I could not have said that any better myself. Ive lived in Cali my whole life and I have lotsa family Northern Cali, so Im not hacking that but at the same time all the negative is pretty gay. Actually Ive been wanting to move up north with my bro and get a sick op going but...