Her behavior is usually typical for bi-polars (not all BPs) and her getting "upset" is just her manic state expressing itself vividly~ Does she smoke weed?
My mom is having the same problems with her gastrointestinal tract,..I'am grateful for the advances in medical sciences (medicine-etc), but don't you think there is an absurd amount of individuals on prescriptions pills? Your right-- most of those individuals do have valid medical reasons to be...
What would be your legitimate medical issue(s), mines epilepsy of the special kind (meaning doctors don't know what exactly it is) --if you don't mind me asking~
exactly.. main stream news is a joke, who the fuck cares about kanye/kims naming convention (if you do, please swallow more pills :) ) ~
just saw this : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/10132347/Human-organs-could-be-grown-in-animals-within-a-year.html
guess if you got the...