ye they are by far my favorite breed a friend had one for his girlfriend it was supposed to be a lap dog but they treated it like shit, we looked after it on weekend when it was no bigger then my one hand and it never went back, i cant wait til she is full size she is pretty big and ripped lol
Is it possible to top and supercrop (bending the branches) a plant at the same time.
is there any way to create more then 4 colas
my plant which i will be experimenting on is between a foot and 2 foot high?
any other advice on what i can do to my plant to increase the yield, i have more...
im 18 nearly 19 and ive been smoking with my dad for 2 and a bit years, i have known he smoked and grew since i was 12 so when it was time for me to smoke i was sorted
ye i saw one of them like a little bannana shape but the rest haven't grown yet, got some other plants flowering, will it effect them?
cheers for your help +rep ive
ive looked all over and i cant find any, na there were no males as they were from clones, what should i be looking out for to determin if it has any male flowers
Ok im a bit confused because my plants have started producing seeds but they show no sign of being hermaphrodite (no male flowers) they are 8weeks into flower and i am seeing little green premature seeds within the bud not that many tho.
any help would be appreciated as im pretty confused to...
ye i know it sucks but its got juicy frosty bud on it i might as well finish them,
they were all from clones possibly the same strain but all my ones in veg have the white hairs and then little like shoots from underneath only tiny could it be possible that they were clones from a hermi?
well i jst took a closer look and they have little things under the buds they look like little leaves but they unroll when you cut them off, thats on all 10 of them FUCK, they ae still really frosty and sticky, i have a veg room and got 4 ready to go to flower and 20 cuttings which is a...
ok i seem to have found some seeds in the bud, there are only a few and they are bright green and sort of buried abit in the bud but i can pull them out.
My plants have all got them (5) but show no male features.
Is this a hermi?
Is there a difference in the look of the bud to see if its a...
just because some one takes harder drugs doesnt mean weed lead on to it,
i know people who smoke bud but wont smoke fags and i know people who do coke but wont touch bud.