leds have a smaller light footprint, it's harder to light a large space with a single LED fixture. the cheaper models can be prone to failure. A lot of companies simply rebrand chinese-made LEDs and charge a huge mark-up for it so it's easy to pay way more for one than it's worth.
Those are...
Go for a full-spectrum LED so it will cover all your plants bases. it will say something like 7-band or 11-band spectrum depending on how many different wavelengths are being used.
something like...
light from cfl's drop off fast. that's why i wondered if you use screen of green, with a net. That's the only way I can see making using of a cfl set-up that huge. idk really though, i don't grow with cfl's.
do you scrog? i can't image growing plants with cfl on a panel without scrogging. got any pics of it? that's a lot of watts for cfls, you're going to burn shit down with that.
ebay 'led grow light', click the auction box. that's your best bet. bring results back to the forum for advice, if you want. if you study a bit it's easy to learn what LED brands are the best, and the deals on ebay can't be beat.
going with hps is choosing tech that's already obsolete. it...
Just having made the switch to LED from previously using HIDs, i'm a total convert. Won't ever go back. From the warm pink glow that fills the room to the way my plants are just exploding underneath them, I absolutely am loving my LEDs.
They're really quite powerful, I nuked my plants a bit...
All religion is applied to society the same way. Blaming all of societies problems on one religion is nonsensical as all religions serve the same purpose. Besides, what you refer to as 'jews' is probably more accurately described as Jesuitism. Jesuitism has it's origins in Catholicism, not...
listen to this for a few weeks then perhaps we can have a discussion where we speak to each other rather than to a particular ignorance. If you've got an avatar showing the smiling face of the most evil and incompetent political figure...
doesn't even have a united states birth certificate.
i also don't affiliate with any political party. I've voted once in my life, i'm 33, and it's when my parents made me fill out an absentee ballot. heads up on your own bias, bro.
I agree, advertising a preference for any one of them just makes you a target.
It's the dude that literally lied his way to office and is steering this country right into the worst world depression in history, though. Obama is the most lying, duplicitous, deceitful and illegitimate president...
Well I gotta tell somebody about this crap I've just dealt with.
So a month ago I go to tend my caregiver's plants for a few days and happen to notice he's overwatering them to the point where they're actually dying. These poor tortured plants have been alive since January, were flowered twice...
advertising itself is an entire industry which produces nothing but garbage. maybe advertisers are just coming to terms with their inner true selves and their will to program everyone into mindless idiot machines all standing in lines for iphones and xbones.
Got one of my Apollo's today. Not one of the fancier models, but one that looks kinda like a Vipar. I'm now a certified LED grower, and it feels good man. lol. Shit's unbelievably bright considering it's just a bunch of 3w's. I know I made the right decision going with LED's over HID, 2 of...
unimpressed. beginning to think the 'white led' wave is a noob trap. did NASA pick white LED's because they were the most optimal for photosynthesis or because that's what the human eye is most adjusted to? those buds are tiny, you could get better with an HPS, and HPS aren't particularly...