hey adower..i have 2 jackberry x mad sientist in a 15 liter pot..soil..a week in flower and theres no problems..dont know about 2 diffrent strain tho..id say there should be no probs..hydro could be diffrent also..
m with you racerboy..a plant will take a fair bit of stress before they hermie.and its all down to heat stress that causes it ..and not over night..it will be stressed for a while before it hermies..a plant that has being stressed enough in veg will most likley herm in flower...crap genetics...
hey there..do not put your autos on 12/12 light shcedule..your yeil will be crap mate.20/4 is the best for them...2 gallon pots is all you need to get the best out of autos..if you can give just that 1 12 hours till its flowering properly and put it back in with the other 3 it should flower away...
You need to put some cfls over them mate once thee up out of the soil..he shell off the seedswill fall off leave them if they dont in a couple days you can gently remove them ..veg them under 18 hours of light for 4 weeks and then they can go outside ..hope this helps
If your using a passive intake it must be bigger than your outake..you will also want a fan blowing fresh air towards the intake fan..its a fairly small box for 180 watts.imo..6" outtake 8" intake..thats providing your using pc fans..it be diffrent with proper fans
hey nidge...all sannies strains are pure fire..fem and regs...its hard to recmmend 1 there that good..i grew alot of top strains from top breeders .and sannies gear wasthe best by far..i wont buy from any 1else you can only get his seeds tru his site.
If The mother of the clones you took was revegged the clones will have a loss in potency and if you clone those clones they will have a further loss in potentcy..will only happen with revegged Mother tho
hey wes if the water is not good for you it defitanly is not good for you plants..all diff mediums and the same problem.must be the water your using..use calmag as a soil drench.or you feeding them enough