where the hell would i look coz its not like she is goin 2 show me. well yeah im definatly not a hooker. i cant believe this shit is happening coz i didnt no the bitch was doin it and now i have to sort it out with u and i dont even no you?
well she says she posted the pic and said she grew plants but she reakons she never said we were models or strippers and she said you were the one that called us prostitutes. but then i looked at wat you posted and you couldnt of made that up coz its got that permalink thing on it so obviously...
omg i cant believe she did that. those pics were personal pics in my computer. seriously she has fatter legs than that. you would see that in the pic of her with a can in her hand. that pic of the legs is a friend that doesnt even live here and man she will smack her out for posting it...
hey i have a daughter 2. she is like 5 months old. she has lots of crazy aunties as you have found out. its kool coz ill be 37 when she is 18. she is sssssooooooooooooo gorgeous. and let me guess did stef tell ya she had a daughter?
omg stef is not a stripper or a model. i think she has spun some shit. i have plants growing and yeah she has told everyone they are hers and so on and so on just so she can post pics. from now on she can log in as her name and if she wants to abuse you she can. but seriously she told me you...
you arent posting pics of yourself so wat are you hiding. i dont no why you were so mean to steph coz she reakons she didnt say anything mean to yo so your the one being a bitch for no reason!!!!!!! so post a pic of yourself
yeah steph is my friend. so wats your point. we share the same computer and the same house. its me steph, jess and carly. i have an account and steph has an account. i dont no what the hell your problem is but steph said that you were jelous of her coz your probably ugly or something. hey can...
i get so wasted off only like 3 bongs and my friend jess can smoke like 10 and she is still cruzin. id seriously green out if i smoked 10. can anyone here beat 10. haha or even 3......
yeah im stoned and watching jerry springer. is that shit really real. can someone from america tell me. its soooooo funny and it would be mad if it was real. i would go to the usa just to see that show 4 real...........!!!!!!
hey this is a pretty funny thread. looks like that guys dog greened out. my friend had 8 sprouts this year from some seeds she was given and her cat ate the top off of all them. she went outside and found 8 little stems and no tops on them. she wasnt worried about her cat but she was so shitty...
hey hey hey. this is makaylah and jess here and we wanna start a thread coz we cant find one that we fit into. so this is open to any1 that wants to share what there doin or stuff like that. we dont want any nasties here though just kool peeps that get high and love being happy. cant wait to...
yeah sorry i was talking about wat zeroeffort said. i was sure i read that he said it has been growing for 8 weeks and someone else said that it needs another 8 weeks. that means the plant will be only 4 months (16 weeks) when harvested. that doesnt sound like the plant will be as mature as it...
hey i was reading what smokey mcsmoke was saying and if im right that means he will be harvesting his plant at 4 months old. 8 weeks plus 8 weeks. you do know that a plant can grow for like 9 months right? my plant is looking exactly like your plant and mine is 8 weeks old too. are you sure what...