that is wiser again. Special occasions. Never had a thing for opiates myself. Mushrooms are better than any other drug apart from cannabis. Sorts your life out. revelations are a rare privelige.
Ditto, Iv noticed your other thread on the gage green genetics. gonna go and try and get up to date on that. Love the cali strains more so than dutch. See ya there mate. Peace from across the pond!
Learning moderation is the lesson friend;-) kill the inner fiend. Iv done the coke addict thing and no longer have the hunger. on a special occasion its ok for me to have a play. Same with booze although im still working on that one:shock:
Man your plans are on par with mine. im fed up with the perpetual business. Hard work doing separate feeds and adjusting the heights of different stage plants and yadda yadda. Seems to be non productive as ya know. Only benifit is constant smoke. Im sure rations will sort that:shock: Peace bro...