yeah it is definitely something i will try next time round
i fell into the research trap where i read auto don't do well with this and that and in all honesty like any strain they are all different i imagine some auto's do suffer with topping and fimming but to say all auto's get stunted from...
haha you probably will i reckon because they naturally grow like a christmas tree but if you disrupt this it lets light into all the lower areas that were probably not going to get good light if the main cola was forcing you to higher the light
i had to lst from early for different reasons i...
yeah this auto strain has literally no info what so ever apart from there website everything i've read is the 00 seeds strain which looks pretty decent tbf
got a few nice pics of her along her journey
5 weeks old today and looking really good
she has been through alot i actually severed the...
great idea thank you tupapa i will
you see walterwhiter that is how you answer a civilised question with a civilised answer,
no condescending bullshit, no delusions of grandeur
i hope you can change your ways before it is too late walter i really do hahaha
shallow hahaha what has that word got to do with what i said ?? most irrelevant statement ever!!
Its a marijuana source website so if you want to "source" an answer for a problem with your plants a more experienced grower will need to see a pic to give you correct information.
Jesus some...
seems to be taking a long time to sort the whole picture upload problems, and it is frustrating as hell trying to explain something and not being able to post a picture for an example..
hope this gets sorted soon
yeah everywhere i read it says around 65 days i am on like day 33 so half way to yieldsville lol
thanks for the replies, i also try upload a pic but it is still down..
it isn't from 00 seeds and not bubblecious from nirvana i have found alot of info from the 00 seeds strain none on the MSNL
I am currently on week 5 of growing a bubblegum auto and can't find much info on the strain just thought i would start a thread on this plant and see if anyone had any experience they could share..
1 plant 160w is perfect i am using 155w currently for 1 plant and i might increase to 185w in a week or so you want to hang the bulbs above the plant or 2 above two for side lighting i personally would put them all above
you need more lights dude you won't get much yeild off that light
Fluorescent grow lights get smaller yields per watt than the other types of grow lights if you use them in the flowering stage while buds are forming. With fluorescents you can expect about 0.25 grams of buds for every watt of...
if you are using cfl for 1 to 2 plants 150w minimum 6400k for veg 2700k for flower, keep them close as possible, bit of lst
bobs your uncle lol
good luck bro
ok i don't know how old/big your plant is but that light in that space is not gonna kick off much heat
you are gonna add more lights as she grows right?
the thing is this the longer you leave the door closed with the light on the hotter it will get as there is no where for the hot air to go unless you are extracting to a different air space the loft/ the room the closet is in that can work as long as the window is open
i personally box grow 1...