Noticed something weird growing on with one of my plants. Is it gonna pop out two hairs or pollen? I wanna know so it doesn't ruin my other girls. It was a free seed added in with my last order i placed so i have no idea what strain it is..
Please help..
Ph is 7.0. I use Miracle grow tomato when in flowering. I've tried other shit before but the plants with miracle always turn out bigger fatter buds. I've used fox farm before. In fact, the fox farm nutes are all the way in the back of the cupboard half full still. It would take some serious...
I added eggshells in the soil when i planted her so im gonna steer away from the cal-mag, But I think ill take your advise and feed her s little now. Hoping she likes it.
My uncle and i used to flood worms for fishing. We would wake up about 5am, run the garden hose and flood a spot in the back yard. After about 20 minutes or so the worms would all surface. Nice big fat crawlers!
Hey folks i have a lady (viper cookies) that is 4 weeks into flower. I just noticed in the last 2 or 3 days that some of the tips of the leaves are looking a little burnt. Just a few, and it seems to be the upper leaves mostly. Also i noticed some spots on one of my fan leaves. I decided to give...