Morphine effects are very fast when injected, Ive never smoked morphine so I don't know about that..
Why would it make morphine so much more used? I bet 99% pure heroin would be much much more prevalent at killing pain. I know for a fact some high quality dope will have you more painless than a...
Yes, but here is something to think about. Morphine is isolated out of opium. Then is engineered to make heroin. Morphine and heroins long term, and short term effects are quite similar. Yet heroin is so much more illegal because since it comprises of more components, there are generally more...
You can buy any drug you can dream of through this website called silkroad, but its apparently very aggravating and time consuming to use.
I need to give it a shot though..
2001 was the pikard bust wasnt it? Lol thatd make sense! I used to be able to get it all the time, but my access is...
I love you anyway :p
Ive found the key to not being lethargic is to simply.. Not be lithargic. The more you do something the more comfortable it becomes
Nope no meds at all.. I've been smoking nightly though which is all too normal..
But that guy would have to be mighty sneaky.. And I respect him for not going for my penis
^ Yeah thats exactly it.
Everything I read about is saying they are more gentle and prikly. The ones I get are none of the sort lol fucking terrifying. I never used to get scared from them because they happened so often I knew Id be fine, but jesus man the one I got last night almost gave me a...
Who here has ever experienced one?
When I was a teenager Id get these nightly.. I tried to explain it to my mom and she just thought I was crazy. Even the doctor who I said something to about it never did anything.. Just recently Ive been getting them again. Ill be trying to fall asleep at...
Dude the original Sonic for genesis I still havent beat.. Im sure I could if I sat down and did it nowadays but when I was little. I dont believe I ever made it passed the casino level where the water comes up.. Maybe I have gotten passed that though I dont really remember.
In my butt (:
Well I wish.. I havent done lsd in a few months.. I always complain about not doing it often enough but realistically its never been that long.. Then when I do it too much I complain about being too.. Goofy.