scientifically it is proven that plants react to tones in the 100- 250 khz range but they dont like it loud. classical music will stimulate growth but barely enough to notice
as soon as there is no threat of frost, and if a frost comes by surprise, put a cardboard box over it at night, you can get a real jump on the season that way, im further north but this has always worked for me
there isnt much sense in arguing with sissys that have never been away from their bong for more than a couple hours, they have never had to anything they didnt want to do, so many spoiled little children talking trash they dont understand.
the more i hear from these whiners the more i think...
jeff, why be an a hole? i know you wouldnt say that to myface. your pussy is showing. your attitude will get you a nice big bag of broken teeth if we ever guessing your about 16 yrs old
i only worry about the medical aspect,it sucks having to pay a doctor 125 bucks every year for the card. and what will the pharmaceutical company's do? they will raise the price of weed and try to outlaw growing your own