Now I have the mars hydro tsw2000 in my flower tent and ts1000 in my shower :hump:.
these are my first 2 plants trying organic.
Using FF cocoloco with 1 lb of natures living super soil concentrate. One plant I mixed the super soil stuff into the bottom 3rd. The other I mixed throughout. Not sure...
Thanks bud! I think I'm my plants worst enemy now lol. I'll try and take notes and learn.
Would appreciate you guys popping in my journal and keeping me in check!
Thanks everyone for all the help! :bigjoint:
Yea after 06 I gave up. Couldn't control the Temps in my space and bud prices went way down! Over the last 5 years I've grown a handful of plants thinking LEDs would solve my hest issues. Now I'm in a new house and determined to get things right!
Looks like my last journal on here in 06 was spidermites. Have had bud rot. But usually they end up looking like this. Yellowing/drying/dying leaves.
I've used general hydroponics line of nutes in the past, the fox farm lineup, and b.c. grow ( I believe) was my first nute combo. Was also the...
I've been on here for nearly 20 years and still suck! Lol. I have the first 8-10 weeks down pretty packed I think but last 3 weeks of flower something always happens. Need a grow mentor!
Oh man had no idea he was held in such low regard.
What are your thought in grow weed easy? Their super soil guide is another place I've been using sort of as a guide
Just the ease of it is very appealing and his video editing skills are on point! Lol
That's a sad sight to see. I tried searching him on this site before and found 50/50 knocking him and praise. Like you said sometimes better to learn the hard way!
Since my ppm is so low and I'm growing in a...
Thanks man! I have a really hard time keeping things simple . I'm like oh plants look great! Let's add a cup of nutes! Then woa! Things look worse now! Add some different stuff!
I really should do my first run as per instructions I guess and then try to make adjustments.
I will not feed my...
Thanks man! How often do you feed? I definitely won't be feeding these girls anymore. But wondering how much/ when/ if I should feed my other girls. The super soil mix claims nothing is needed. But that feels too easy haha
Think thats what did it? My first time with dry amendments... also should have read the bag before feeding (facepalm) I swore when I read it 3 weeks prior it said a cup per 5 gallons... ugh
I have 2 girls approaching week 4 of flower. I also gave them a cup each 4 weeks ago... They're looking...
Thanks mate! He's born from a trapped stray. He does look an awful lot like the Bengal I used to have as a kid though. He's a beast! Only 10 months and 12 pounds! Pointy little ear tufts, think he may have some wild cat blood . I think him and his brother like growing more than I do!
Dang it swore I added pics lol.
I was thinking it was a possible mag deficiency so added the cal mag. At first I was 90% sure it was light burn from the milk spray as the brown dots were where there were beads of water and happened immediately after spraying.
Here's some pics... don't mind the...
Was a last ditch effort. Temps have been in the 40s F here they would have been long dead. Was my first attempt at a late season outdoor auto grow. Live and learn!
I've had this issue in the past using completely different grow methods and grow environment. I always chalked it up to heat and light burn (was using 600w hps within a foot of the buds). Now I'm using Mars hydro ts1000 18 inches from the top. Temps are 70-85F. Humidity now is 30-40. Temps used...