If you are on a budget right now get this:
Just google Aqua Pipe. Its basically a 4" bong. Runs around $15-$20 at most tobacco shops. Its a great little device and gets you stoned.
It was my first device I ever purchased and I've kept it for around 14 years now :)
Up in Smoke by far is the best one. I crack up hard during that whole fucking movie. Especially when the cop finds them pulled over in the middle of the intersection, looool
Sup bitches? Woke up at 7 am cuz of insane thunderstorm so I decided to smoke a bowl and watch it.
Its 3 hours later and I'm still high, about to head into my easy weekend job. Smoke a bowl, sit back and relax.
I left my Roor bong out last night because I fell asleep stoned on the couch and my cat pushed it off the counter. Can't blame my cat because she's just being her; besides it was my own fault I left it out.
So I don't have the money currently to replace a $250 Roor bong I was thinking is there...
Your kidneys won't shut down if you drink a lot(I know, I had a KIDNEY transplant 6 years ago)
What the water does is flush your system, you will still have THC but with that much water the concentration is highly diluted and therefore below the test threshold.
To the OP You're fine dude, if...