cant find anything like that over here i even took my work bag into town with me trying it in everything i seen...everything seems to be too big or isnt round
hey guys ive got some 5 gallon bubble bags and i bought a 5gal/25l bucket but the thing is too big been walking around town all day trying to find something that will work but nothing whats everyone else using ?
all the answers to your questions are on here you just need to read and stop being lazy there is a really good sticki on here bout topping you will be amazed in what you can learn from reading instead of asking the same question over and over
you could put your seedlings under that until they get 3/4 sets of leaves then put them outside
i would love to be able to grow outside but the weather where i live it just wouldnt work count yourself lucky no electric bills
when you start from seed the first week or 2 is real slow then boooom take off
also when in the seedling stage they dont need much light but looks like your doing outdoor