i feel the soil through the drainage holes to see if its dry, i have dolomite lime in my soil and i use 0.5ml of cal/mag per litre in my water cal/mag is good because it has calcium and magnesium that lime your using isnt good, your first grow you will learn a lot
believe it or not i had the same problem with an auto i have atm i flushed it with a little more than 3x the pot size and it had 0.5ml per litre of cal/mag in it now this didnt fix my problem straight away i had to wait for soil to dry out again and repeat the process 2 more times, your problem...
when buying a carbon filter make sure the fan aint more powerful than the filter otherwise it will be pulling the air through the filter quicker than the filter can scrub it
how much water did you use when you flushed? your plants look healthy i wouldnt be trying to fix a problem thats not there if your plants are healthy why change what your doing
thats your problem you shouldnt of started a grow until you have all the equipment the carbon filter and fan will exhaust all the hot stale air out your grow room, not much you can do until then your just gona have to leave your door open while lights are on
yeah took around 3 hours cant remember what i ordered by the time my coins went through i was 0.01 short so just got some standard homegrown was looking at cheese but it was 15/18 a g...how was work?
ive just bought some coins no probs signed into my sr account copied my address and pasted it into my other wallet and pressed send but there not in my sr account do they normally take a while to clear or have i got the wrong sr link and been scammed?
im in the same situation as you i have a tent in my closet with filter and fan i just vent into my room and leave my window open for fresh air works wonders cant smell anything and i live in the uk as well have a look on greenshorticulture.co.uk thats what i use for most things, but i advise you...
and im giving you some input a plant doesnt just all of a sudden grow like mad when you flip it takes time, it will double maybe triple in size while in flowering but yours aint started yet
this is crazy you so your saying not to feed an autoflower for 40 days this means it only has around 3 weeks left of its life which means your only feeding it for around 2 weeks and flushing for the last. you shouldnt feed it for the first 2 weeks then slowly build it up to full dose
so you have a light leak from your flower room? your veg rooms light schedule runs longer than the flower room so why are you worrying about it its not gona disturb anything