Hey bro honestly it doesnt matter about the heighth what you wana be concerned about is going to be the nodes the closer the nodes and bushier the plant the way better so good luck mang
Ok I just heard for the first time about secondary budding and, I dont have any Idea what this is can anybody help a brotha out. What the F**k is secondary budding. :joint:
I dony know what everyone else has said about you question but neways If I was you Id try to get those lights a little closer and I think for sure you have got to get a fan blowing on her to strengthen her up some other than that bro I think she looks fine Good Luck!!
I dony know what everyone else has said about you question but neways If I was you Id try to get those lights a little closer and I think for sure you have got to get a fan blowing on her to strengthen her up some other than that bro I think she looks fine Good Luck!!