rewire the light with longer wire 3 or 4 wires 3 would be min 4 would be better if in your light you have a place for it to be hook up what i see is the pic both wires you have need to be hot be different poles to get your 240 vac and a ground that is why i say min of 3 wires if you open the...
i used a drip feed then drained back to res away from the heat and stoped having so much trouble with ph problems after i had to much problems with the ph in dwc system might what to think about that also good luck
should not be a big deal compermis a little grow the four a little bigger and try firm them or tie them down so there all the same hight good way to practice on four might find a new way you like better
the one on the left very top leaf looks funny but rest of plant and others look ok just because iits bag weed seeds dosnt make it bad unless it was crap to start with if was good bud then you should have good bud
good soil will give you a far crop but for a great crop you will need to add some more phosphorus and potassium when you start to flower the plant to get those huge buds you see in pictures
I use a fluorescet natural lightbulb 24inch, at least 20 hrs of light in a small room then move them to 400 watt room with fan after there a about 4-6 inches tall
if bottoms branches are not getting enough light cut them off will not produce good buds and will increase yield from the buds at the top were the light is good job so far